Hong Kong
We will take care of all your annual compliance needs including audit, secretarial and tax filings.
Streamline your bookkeeping and payroll process to ensure maximum efficency and compliant.
We help in fraud and forensic accounting investigations. We partner with experts in the field and work unobtrusively behind the scene.
We tailor the most cost effective solutions for clients to wind down their business.
We provide support in ensuring clients sail through IRD field audits and investigations with minimum stress and maximum efficiency.
We can help to settle dispute or provide investigative litigation support in shareholders disputes.
We provide custom excel training and tailor made Business Intelligence reporting solutions to clients.
Our startup process is very efficient and can get your new company set up with industry leading technologies and best practises while being lean and cost efficient.
T. K. Tong - Founder
Ka is the founder of T. K. Tong & Co and has practiced in public accounting for more than 47 years, including his time with an international firm of chartered accountants. He has provided long-range strategic and tax planning advice to senior management in several industries including manufacturing, hospitality, construction, heavy industries and not for profit organizations. Ka is a Fellow member of The Australian Institute of Chartered Accountant, The Institute of Chartered Secretary in England and Wales, CPA Australia and a member of The Hong Kong Institute of Company Secretaries. He is also a fellow and a practicing member of The Hong Kong Institute of CPAs.
Eric Tong - Manager
Eric has been in public practice for 22 years including his time with a boutique practice in Sydney, Australia. He received his Bachelor of Economics from University of Sydney and his Master of Commerce in Professional Accounting from Macquarie University. He is an Australian Chartered Accountant, Chartered Secretary, a practicing member of both CPA Australia and The Hong Kong Institute of CPAs. Eric was awarded Graduate Diploma in Applied Investment and Finance with the Securities Institute of Australia. Eric is a member of the Hong Kong Securities Institute and is a past examination question contributor of the HKSI Foundation Programme/HKSI Financial Market Principal Programme Examinations.
Gary Leung – Supervisor
Gary joined T. K. Tong & Co. since 1977 and more than 39 years practical experience of working with and auditing limited companies of varying sizes including manufacturing, stock broking and companies in the financial industry. Gary is able to provide a wide range of corporate services including advice on start-up, corporate secretarial requirements, business and tax planning. He is based in Hong Kong with an in depth knowledge of the local business environment. He is married with one boy and one girl.
Principle Values Reputation & Service Quality
We believe Chartered Accountants are about status, achievement and always striving to be the best. It is the reference point from which quality decisions and business excellence are measured. We always perform our work to the highest quality practicable and we believe our clients appreciate the quality of our work done. We deal fairly and ethically with all parties including bankers, regulators, tax authority and client suppliers.
Sustainable Profitability & Ongoing Growth
We aim to deliver services that enable our clients to achieve sustainable profitability and ongoing growth. Many of our clients have been with us for more than 40 years and have grown from a small company to a multi-national with billions in turnover. We believe in fair billing and that we provide valuable service and will charge according to our scale rates. Our fees are calculated according to scale rates as published by the Society of Chinese Accountants and Auditors and are non-negotiable. We do make allowances for financial distressed clients under exceptional circumstances.
Confidentiality & Candor
We respect the confidentiality of information acquired in the course of our work and will not disclose any such information to third party without specific authority unless there is a legal or professional duty to do so. We invest in market leading IT infrastructure and security systems, as well as a keen enforcement of staff and company policy to secure our clients' data.
We will always deliver our opinion in candor and we will not provide flattering, illegal or unethical advice in order to retain or attract a client. We will always be focused, straightforward, honest and sincere in our approach to professional work. We conduct ourselves in a manner consistent with the good reputation of our profession and refrain from any conduct which might bring discredit to our profession.
Quality Assurance
We believe quality assurance should be a state of mind arising from our moral principals and the discipline which has become an inherent part of our professional life. We observe all policies and procedures designed to maintain adherence to professional standards.
We strive to be fair in handling our assignments and avoid prejudice or bias to override our objectivity. When reporting on financial reports which come under our review, we maintain an impartial attitude.
We carry out our professional work in accordance with the technical and professional standards relevant to that work. We observe our duty to maintain our level of competence throughout our professional career. We will only undertake work which we can expect to complete with diligence.
Hong Kong Office:
Room 1113, 11/F, Tai Yau Plaza, 181 Johnston Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Phone: (852) 2525-9817
Consultation strictly by appointment.