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How you can get the most out of your accountants

To help us meet our objective of providing you with a high quality, ethical and professional service, there are a number of ways in which you can assist us.


Understanding your requirements

We will work with you to:

  • Develop an understanding of your business and expectations

  • Establish objectives and deadlines and

  • Wherever possible, determine practical budgets.


Providing value for money


We want to give you value for your money. One way we can do this is by helping you to keep our charges as low as possible.

From our experience the following are some ways which can help you to save some significant costs from us:

  • Give us all the facts we need. Progress will be slower if we have to chase information or piece it together from different sources.

  • Managing agreed deadlines, especially for documents delivery and promptly advising us when they cannot be met and

  • Insist that your other advisers act promptly and efficiently to meet your deadlines.

  • Deciding if any of the work for example supplementary schedules to the balance sheets or profit or loss can be done by yourself or by someone in your organisation.

  • If you need to talk to us, choose the most effective way of doing this. When you want to discuss a number of points, a meeting might well prove to be the most efficient use of our time. Otherwise, a letter or telephone call will normally suffice.

  • Keep meetings as brief as possible.

  • Where you require advice of a preliminary nature, or limited to the major points of a transaction, it may be more cost effective to receive the advice in a meeting rather than by way of a written advice. Similarly, if you anticipate that there will be a number of questions arising from the preliminary advice, a meeting may be more convenient.

  • Discuss with the Principal in charge to see if it would be more cost effective to delegate all or part of the work to an Associate or Junior. People are sometimes mistaken that it would be the most cost effective if the majority of the work is done by the Principal, but not only is this physically impossible because of time limitations, from an efficiency point of view, it also does not make sense. A principal is best left for structuring strategic advice whether the Associate should be the one executing the documentations.

We look forward to the opportunity of working with you, learning about your business, and developing a lasting and mutually rewarding relationship with you.



We are confident of providing a high quality service in all respects. But as an advocate of continuous improvement, we will always welcome your suggestions and requests for information.


If, however, you have any concern about our service delivery, or wish to discuss any aspect of your matter, please do not hesitate to contact your designated Principal. We value you as a client and if you have any reason to be unhappy with the service we provide, we welcome your candid feedback and we will take immediate action to correct it as best possible.



© 2016 by T.K.Tong & Co.

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